How to Make a Minecraft Hardcore Server TUTORIAL

How to Make a Minecraft Hardcore Server

Start a Minecraft Hardcore Server

Last modified on Dec 13, 2021 in gametypes

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Start a Minecraft Hardcore Server

Setup Fourth dimension: 5 Mins
Setup Difficulty: Like shooting fish in a barrel
Players: 1+


Normal Minecraft survival has been around since day one, so we have decided its time to brand it harder and more interesting. This pack has everything from Custom textures to Custom crafting. In that location is many changes so brand sure to read nearly them all.

Getting Started

Starting time of all, wooden tools and gold tools are removed.

sword and axe

So how tin you survive without wooden tools? Fear not, a new agglomeration of new items are added.

minecraft wood tools

Understand the usage of tools

receipts for crafting wood tools

  • Punching forest? Nope. You must utilise a Hatchet or an Axe for breaking any wooden blocks.
  • Excavation dirt with your bare hands? Nope. You must utilize a Shovel for breaking any dirt/sandy blocks.
  • Breaking stone? You must apply a Mattock or Pickaxe for breaking whatever hard blocks.
  • Gathering fruits or vegetables? You must employ a Sickle for harvesting crops.
  • Cut strings or disarm TnT? You must apply a Shears for cutting.
  • Placing artificial blocks? You must employ a Hammer in your offhand for placing blocks.

Survive and thrive

First, observe some copse. Gather some sticks by breaking the leaves. Leaves have 25% chance to drop 1 stick, otherwise no drop.

Sticks are too obtainable from Saplings.

craft saplings recipe

Next, find some gravel. Assemble some flint by breaking them. Gravel has 50% chance to driblet one flint, otherwise no drop, by breaking with blank easily.

Gravel is usually establish virtually lakes, rivers, extreme hills, caves, and cliffs. Hmm, if y'all can't discover any gravel in your area, try the following method if information technology's available:

craft flint recipe

Now you can make a Hatchet with these two items.

craft hatchet recipe

Break downward some logs with your Hatchet, convert some logs into planks and sticks.

Now you can make a Mattock.

craft hattock recipe

Next, find some stones. No, you tin can't suspension dirt straight downwards to find stones all the same, you will need a shovel. Hence, find a cave, or a mountain. Assemble stones, and if you're lucky, become some coal too.

To make a workbench, yous demand the concluding tool, Hammer.

hammer crafting recipe

It is used to make workbenches and build artificial blocks.(See beneath)

Become a weapon

You tin choose either using a Stone Sword or Shiv as your bones weapon.Shiv adds poison outcome on striking, merely with less damage.

world image

Harvest cows and sheep to obtain Leather and String(from Wool)


If you are thirsty, craft a Bowl to obtain water. Just throw 1 Bowl into a water source, it will get a Water Bowl.

minecraft bowl

Drinking it volition quench the thirst, simply purified water is recommended when cauldrons are affordable. (See section Thirst).

Program and craft

So, you craft a Workbench like so:

workbench crafting recipe

With your workbench, yous can upgrade your tools to stone tools.

With a shovel, earthworks Gravel is less risky to go a flint.

stone tools

Nosotros need to get deeper

Demand to notice the undercover? You'll demand Torches. But you need to make a Firestriker for igniting.

firestriker crafting recipe

torch crafting recipe

Firestriker can also be used like flintstone and steel, melt some meat, smelt some simple items. It has a immovability of 8. Right-click on the ground to ready it on fire.

To utilise the smelting option of a firestriker, right click while sneaking.

smelt firestriker


  1. Put unsmelted/uncooked items in the smelting slot.
  2. Click on the result slot to smelt/cook one item.
  3. To leave, either click on the Firestriker or press Escape.

Firestriker Recipes:

Any cookable Food



charcoal firestriker recipe


glass firestriker recipe


brick firestriker recipe

To make a Furnace, farther works are required.

Start gathering some Dirt by breaking clay blocks, or:

clay crafting recipe

Turn dirt balls into Brick with Firestriker, it's an essential material for making furnaces.

brick firestriker recipe

Make your own Furnace in the workbench.

furnace crafting recipe

Now you can smelt ores with Furnace.

Settle downward before sunset

Time to settle, make sure yous bring the workbench with you lot, it's important.

Make some Chests to store your items.

chest crafting recipe

Build your firm This is where hammer comes in handy. All artificially crafted blocks (eg. planks) tin can simply be placed when with the use of a hammer.

house building tools

Put a hammer on the off hand, your blocks on the main hand, beginning building your house!

Each placed block has x% chance to reduce hammer's durability by 1.


Thirst caps at xl points, reduced when exhaustion betoken reaches the maximum. If Thirst drops to 0, you will endure from dehydration and loses wellness. Encounter Condition for info on how to bank check your thirst status.

Thirst points:

  • Melon Slices restore half dozen points
  • Water Bowls restore ten points
  • Hot milk restores 10 points (Be conscientious, it'll burn ya)
  • Dirty water bottles restore 13 points
  • Cold milk restores 15 points
  • Clean water bottles restore 18 points
  • Purified water bottles restore 23 points
  • Coffee restores 23 points
  • Mushroom Soup restore 12 points (Hunger is restored too, hybrid)
  • Milk restores xxx points

Water bowls bowl

If you are thirsty, arts and crafts a Bowl to obtain h2o.

Simply throw 1 Bowl into a water source, information technology will become a Water Basin.

Drinking information technology will quench the thirst. Drinking impure water runs a 60% risk of getting poisoned for 4 seconds. Purified water is recommended when cauldrons are affordable.

H2o Bottles minecraft water bottles

Water Bottles can be obtained by correct-clicking a glass bottle into a water source, only information technology's not purified and not safe to drink.

Drinking impure water has a high chance to get Poison for 4 seconds.

To become rid of that risk, you can either clean your water or purify it:

Clean Water:

Clean water will have a medium hazard of getting poisoned. There's a couple of ways to become clean water:

one) Throw a dirty water bottle on the campfire:

clean water minecraft

2) Throw a muddy h2o bottle in a furnace or smoker:

how to clean water minecraft

To make clean water this way will have longer than most cooking recipes.

Purified H2o:

Purified water is the cleanest water you can get. Information technology will accept no negative side furnishings and it will replenish your thirst meter a lot quicker.

1) Make a Cauldron and gear up a fuel cake.

ii) Light the Cauldron with fire.

3) Make full the Cauldron with water.

boiling water in minecraft
four) Fill the glass bottles with this purified water.

purified water

Coffee: minecraft coffee

You tin can craft coffee in their crafting table.

When drank, it will increase your thirst level by 23 points, and will also refresh your energy level.

Emptying Containers

Simply throw a water bottle, h2o bowl or potion in your workbench, and you will get back an empty bottle/bowl


You can check your hunger or thirst by typing **/status **

2 bars representing Hunger and Thirst volition be shown

The bars are besides presented when consuming items.

/status tin can take one argument to testify specific details

  • all – show all condition
  • hunger – toggle/testify hunger value
  • thirst – toggle/show thirst value
  • fatigue – toggle/evidence fatigue level
  • nutrients – toggle/show nutrient values
  • none – toggle all status messages off

Alerts volition be displayed when either one drops downwards to a dangerous value


Raw Foods

Raw Meat will cause food poisoning, with a chance of 80%. Food Poisoning will stack if more raw meats are eaten. Improve cook your meat before eating!

Cookies equally Saturated Snacks.  Cookies can increase your health when you lot eat it more and more. Eating one of these will add a stackable thirty seconds of Health Boost.

Tiers – Eating a cookie when Health Heave'due south elapsing is at least:

  • 15 seconds: Gains Health Boost I, 2 actress hearts
  • 1 minute: Gains Health Heave II, four extra hearts
  • three minutes: Gains Health Boost III, half dozen extra hearts

The more you lot eat, the stronger you lot are!

Cookie's Saturation Betoken restoration has been increased from 0.4 to five.

Beetroots as PowerUPs

Beetroots can increment your forcefulness when consumed. Eating ane of these volition add a stackable 10 seconds of Strength. Strength can be stacked up to a maximum of 30 seconds.

Poisonous Potato as Antidote

Poisonous Potato can purge all Potion Furnishings (like Bucket of Milk), and it'south stackable. Still, eating one of these has 60% chance to get Toxicant for iv seconds.

Food Variety

Why should you merely eat one type of food? Let's brand some variations.

Nutrients in the food are divided into iii types:

  1. Carbohydrates – Mainly grains and sugars
  2. Proteins – Mainly meat, poultry, and milk
  3. Vitamins and Salts – Mainly vegetables and fruits

Eating lesser of a type of food will crusade malnutrition, which will cause serious negative effects. Call up, swallow healthily!



Y'all will demand to apply a sickle to harvest fruits and vegetables in your garden. When yous utilise a stone sickle you will notice in that location's a run a risk that the plants won't drop any food. You can use an iron sickle which will have a higher risk of dropping more food.


Information technology's weird to have instant baby chicks when breeding Chickens.

  • Chickens at present lay ane-iv egg(south) instead of breeding a new chick.
  • Eggs have 100% adventure to hatch a chick.

Sleepy Time minecraft bed

If you accept not slept for an entire night, fatigue level volition increase.

Fatigue levels:

  • Level 0 (Energized): No effects.
  • Level 1 (Sleepy): You felt your eyelids heavy, keep blinking.
  • Level 2 (Overworked): You felt your vision blurred, constantly blackout.
  • Level 3 (Distressed): You felt existence enveloped by darkness, unable to see anything.
  • Level 4 and to a higher place: You collapsed on the footing, fatigued to death.
  • This tin force players to sleep frequently, instead of having overextending night events.

Sleeping resets Fatigue Level to 0. Bank check out Status for info on how to check your fatigue level.


Custom Cave Monsters – Caves can be scary, and so in lodge to make them as scary as possible, I added scarier mobs.

Blastoff Spider

Alpha Spiders are the kings of the spider nation. They tin can poisonous substance you on attack, spider web you, and fifty-fifty summon minions to help attack. They are very dangerous in pocket-sized spaces due to the fact that they tin web yous stuck if you are non careful.

alpha spider

Fume Demon

Smoke Demons are the souls of many miners who have died in gas leaks. Due to their unrest, they chase yous down in the course of a shapeless deject of poisonous gas. Yet, vivid lights can kill them just like the hungering darkness.

smoke demon

Lava Creeper

Just when creepers couldn't go any worse, now some that spawn in caves blow upwards into burn down, lava, obsidian, and magma. Bring a water saucepan and watch your dorsum if you desire to live.

Lava Creeper Aftermath:

minecraft lava creeper

Lava Creepers shoot lava particles out of their caput so that you know which type is which.

Hexed Armor

Hexed Armor is a more than abrasive than dangerous mob. If you go hit besides many times by hexed armor, the cursed armor will rip off your electric current armor and glue itself to you.

minecraft hexxed armor

hexxed armor

Magma Monster

A monster so hot it scorches the country it walks on. Too sets you lot on burn if you are hit by it so watch out.

minecraft magma monster


A monster that jumpscares yous if you are not conscientious. If you look abroad from information technology while it is attacking or post-obit you, it will teleport in front of you and jumpscare you. Dangerous with other mobs effectually, but easy to kill lone.

minecraft watcher

TnT Infused Creeper

A project gone wrong by scientist. During a attempt to increment the explosion power of creepers, some creepers learned to build TNT out of their surroundings and increase their explosion power themselves.

When the creeper explodes, ane to two TNT volition appear and also explode causing triple the explosion power.

tnt infused creeper

Expressionless Miner

Miner who couldn't find his way out of the caves below. Eventually by some unknown manner, he was resurrected as a zombie and now stalks the caves looking for other miners to join him.

While he walks around, he will identify torches if it gets besides dark. He besides drops items from time to time when he is hitting.

dead miner minecraft


When the fourth dimension of wither and their servants were still in their prime number, wither scholars explored the vast network of magic that resided in the nether. The only problem is that the infinite amount of knowledge transformed them into a abomination that took on the powers of the wither and attacks any humans on sight.

minecraft necromancer

Old Shadow

A ancient manifestation of the fears of man that hungers for more power. It wanders the dark world of the nether in search of players and devours them within of itself.


A beingness made of lava that is so hot it scorches the ground information technology steps on.

minecraft molten


A ghast trapped inside a skeleton. Due to the skeletons ability, the ghast can only launch weak fireballs at the actor merely they nevertheless pack a punch without fire resistance.

minecraft fireball


A flying eye that sees all and burns all. If a role player is spotted, it volition burn the histrion alive unless he is sneaking. Due to their low intelligence, sneaking causes the inferno to loose sight of a role player.

minecraft inferno


A living fault. Further research into the Sherogath gives evidence that the under is a simulation of the overworld rather than a real dimension.

minecraft sherrogath


Living Sound that changes based on how shut you are, attacking this audio shut enough causes the sound to aggro and attack you back.Invisible Entity! Flick Not Available.

Blastoff Pigman

Pigman that was given enhanced physical qualities during the great wither state of war to fight against the ghasts. At present wanders around without purpose with it's brethren.

minecraft alpha pigman

Ghast Buff

Ghasts take as well been improved. They now have a special ability where they tin can plough invisible for a curt amount of fourth dimension. Their fireballs are besides faster and more than powerful so they were before.


Overgrown Under

The Nether is a ages sometime realm in the underworld of minecraft then you would recollect that over time information technology would exist overgrown by fauna there, but it isn't. In order to fix this, the nether now generates vines of cobwebs equally well as mushrooms to give it that overgrown aesthetic.

New Nether:

minecraft hardcore nether

Old Nether:

minecraft original nether

Cave Growth –

Caves that are inhabited for a long fourth dimension grow vines, stalagmites, and generate pebbles to brand caves look more cave-y and run down.

minecraft cave growth

Hungering Darkness –

The hungering darkness are invisible entities that kill yous if they find you in a identify with naught low-cal. If you are being targeted by the hungering darkness, you volition hear a strange static sound coming towards you. The way to become rid or kill them is past light then make sure yous take a lot of torches.

Cavern Ins –

When very, very low underground y'all should bring a rabbit pes with you to avoid cave-ins from happening. Once a cavern-in happens, the cave around y'all collapses with a deafening blast while blinding yous in the procedure.

Cave Temperature –

When caving, the lava in caves brings the temperature to at least 200,000 C (trust me i'chiliad a scientist). Because of this, when low undercover your character will mutter and yous'll fatigue every now and and so.

Custom Structures –

Tiny little structures that spawn throughout caves to make exploring more interesting. Chests that can spawn in these structures comprise items that you need to survive, and then living only in a cave is now possible without traveling to the surface. There are currently 36 different structures, so finding two of the same is decently difficult to practise.


Block Mechanics

  • Soulsand and Netherrack now have new mechanics that change the way you travel / mine in the nether.
  • Netherrack has a chance to spawn fire when mined.
  • Soulsand doesn't like to exist run on. If y'all are caught running on soulsand, the souls inside the soulsand slow you downwards drastically and then that yous tin can barely run.


We have pre-washed all the ranks for yous with Member, Mod, Elite, Admin & Owner.

  • Fellow member is the default rank everyone will join as with permissions to bring together and play.
  • Modernistic is a staff rank with basic moderation permissions (/kick, /mute, /ban)
  • Admin has all the permissions to run the server.
  • Owner has every permission

The ranks can be edited using PEX (Notation that y'all will need to fix yourself to the owner at get-go)

Unique Plugins

Dangerous Caves

Dangeroues Nether

Survival Plus

Counting Game

Common Plugins



Holographic Displays

Nametag Edit


Placeholder API


Globe Edit

Globe Guard

How To Brand a Hardcore Server With Apex Hosting

  1. Select your server package from our pricing page
  2. On the 'Configure Your Server' page, complete the required fields
  3. Under 'Server Version', select your version from the dropdown list
  4. Consummate the order and your Hardcore server will be created instantly


How to Make a Minecraft Hardcore Server TUTORIAL

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